Welcome to the United Church of Sun City 

Holy Humor Sunday

Every year, on the Sunday after Easter, United Church celebrates “Holy Humor Sunday” celebrating the wonderful news of Christ’s resurrection.  Members and friends of the church dress in bright colors and hats to highlight sacred silliness.


Weekly Bible Study

Our Pastor leads a weekly Bible study on Thursdays at 11:00 a.m., usually on the text for preaching upcoming Sunday sermons.  We take a no-holds-barred romp through the Scriptures, looking for the places they touch us or call out to us in new ways.  Come every week or once in a while!  The Bible study group meets in Grace Chapel.

All Church Birthday Party

We celebrate everyone's birthday at one big party in February. Seating is arranged by the month of your birthday! See the church newsletter and bulletins for exact dates and times.


Watch the calendar for potlucks.  There are several throughout the year.

Church Activities

We take having fun seriously!  Check the calendar each month for a list of events.

Restaurant Day

Watch the calendar and bulletins for a restaurant night.  A sign-up flyer is included in the 2 preceeding week's Sunday worship bulletins and everyone meets at the restaurant.

Ice Cream Social and Concert

The church's music staff hosts a one-hour concert, with ice cream sundaes afterward. The entertainment is diverse. Various local talent, along with members of the church, perform a variety of acts. Past events have included, Patsy Cline songs (our most popular so far, with 160 attending) and love songs, a marimba concert, Christmas caroling, the Sun City Choraliers and others.