Welcome to the United Church of Sun City 

Sunday Worship Services

We come together as a community to worship every Sunday morning at 10 a.m.

At the beginning of worship, we give announcements and share our joys and concerns. We gather the people together with the Call to Worship and sing hymns to praise God. Together we offer a prayer of confession, and claim God’s assurance of forgiveness. We listen to musical offerings by our choir and organist. Following the Lord’s Prayer, we sing a response and then collect our offerings to the church. We read scripture, and hear a sermon based on that reading. We offer prayers for those in need.

 We celebrate the sacrament of communion on the first Sunday of each month and all are welcome.  Following our worship service, we gather for coffee, snacks and fellowship.

See a sample Sunday Worship Bulletin

Healing Services

On the third Sunday of each month after the worship service, you are invited to gather for a brief (15 minute) healing service in Grace Chapel. You may offer prayers of healing for yourself or others. We will offer anointing with oil and the laying on of hands.

How We Worship